A to Z Reviews: “When the Morning Stars Sang Together,” by Isaac Szpindel

A to Z Reviews: “When the Morning Stars Sang Together,” by Isaac Szpindel

A to Z ReviewsIsaac Szpindel’s “When the Morning Stars Sang Together” appeared in the 2004 alternate history anthology ReVisions, which Szpindel co-edited with Julie E, Czerneda, which explored alternative technological advancements. Szpindel’s story, set in the twentieth century, looks at a world in which Galileo reconciled science with the Church rather than being persecuted for championing the scientific method.

The main character has been given access to letters written by Galileo to his older daughter, Maria Celeste, who was a nun at the San Matteo convent. In real life, while Maria Celeste’s letters to Galileo have survived, his letters to her are lost.  Szpindel tells his story by alternating between the text of those lost letters and the events which are  happening to the modern scholar who is studying them and coming to conclusions that, in his world, as are heretical as the conclusions Galileo came to in our world in the seventeenth century.

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Goth Chick News – My Pilgrimage to Universal Studios Hollywood

Goth Chick News – My Pilgrimage to Universal Studios Hollywood

Breakfast view, pre tour, and the St. Denis hospital set

I have been absent for the past few weeks while I chased one of my bucket list items. As nearly a life-long fan of the horror genre, a pilgrimage to Universal Studios Hollywood has long been an ambition – to go to the place that literally gave birth to the genre. So as part of a west coast tour, I finally had the opportunity to immerse myself in the wonders of a VIP day at Universal.

First, let me say there is nothing like being a VIP at Universal. Our day started with breakfast in a private, second-floor dining room near the entrance, which provided an amazing view of what was to come. There we met Andrew P., our personal guide for the day. As one would expect, Andrew was a literal encyclopedia of studio history and explained our 8-hour day (including a gourmet lunch stop) would be a combination of “behinds the scenes” tours as well as dips into the theme park side so we could experience the list of rides we gave Andrew in advance.

The great part about that was Andrew would be escorting us “backstage” of the rides to the front of each line, but even more importantly, would allow us to linger in these areas which were air conditioned. This was important because I chose to visit Universal during an unprecedented heat wave, so the day we were there it was 114, and as you could probably guess, I don’t do well in heat and direct sunlight.

We did a lot of lingering in the backstage area of the amusement park side of Universal, but I want to tell you about what I learned and saw on the working studio side.

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Double-Edged Sword & Sorcery – Cover Artist Perspectives and Campaign

Double-Edged Sword & Sorcery – Cover Artist Perspectives and Campaign

Black Gate has been tracking the inception and growth of New Edge Sword & Sorcery Magazine, starting with Micheal Harrington’s 2022 interview with Oliver Brackenbury (author, screenwriter, podcaster, and editor of NESS), through 2023 with NESS first two magazine releases (also Mele’s review of #1), and NESS’s first book “Beating Heart and Battle Axes (July of 2024).  Now, as of Sept 19th, NESS continues this epic trend of presenting contemporary adventure fiction in fun ways with their second crowdfunded book DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD & SORCERY. It is “double-edged” because, in the tradition of the Ace Double, it’s two novellas bound in one book with unique covers on either side. Both tales are Mongol-inspired Sword & Sorcery.

In this post, we share the campaign’s information and blend in perspectives from both cover artists.

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The More-Ish Nature of Chinese Costume Dramas

The More-Ish Nature of Chinese Costume Dramas

Good afterevenmorn!

I have not all that long ago espoused my love for Chinese Dramas on here. I was gushing about The Untamed, which still reigns supreme for me for a myriad of reasons. Not least of all because I’ve only watched one other all the way through since then. It’s that weird thing when a love for one of the genre makes all others in that genre pale by comparison. I still desperately want a copy of The Untamed on DVD or Blu-Ray for my collection. But I didn’t want to get on here to rehash my old loves for you. Tempted though I am.

I’ve gotten ahead of myself here. Let me start from the beginning.

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What I’ve Been Listening To: September 2024

What I’ve Been Listening To: September 2024

And it’s time for you to find out what I’ve been listening to. I know you’ve been anxiously waiting since last month. Now, if you read last two blog posts. Which I’m SURE you did….you know I watched 26 Marvel movies. While that was fun (and ridiculously indulgent), it did cut a bit into my listening (and reading). But I still managed to get in some of both. So, awaaaay we go.

THE DESERT OF SOULS – Howard Andrew Jones

If you follow me on Facebook, you’ve seen me talking about my Black Gate buddy Howard Andrew Jones, who recently revealed he’s battling a fast-acting brain cancer. I’ll write more about that topic, but I decided it was time to get back to some of his work.

A couple years ago, he wrote an epic fantasy, The Ring Sworn trilogy. He switched publishers, and the third book of his latest trilogy, The Chronicles of Hanuvar, is due out October 1. It seems destined to go down as one of the best in modern sword and sorcery.

I really like his Arabian fantasy stories featuring Dabir and Asim. I’m re-reading the short story collection, The Waters of Eternity (an absolute steal in digital). But on a trip to visit him a few weeks ago, I decided to re-listen to the first novel, Desert of Souls.

Robert E. Howard is about the only Adventure stuff I read. I never got into H. Rider Haggard, and I’m familiar with Ali Baba and Aladdin (no, not from Disney). But these sword and sorcery mysteries are good reads.

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Tarzan and Beyond: Philip Jose Farmer, Part II

Tarzan and Beyond: Philip Jose Farmer, Part II

Tarzan Alive and Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life (Playboy
Paperbacks, August 1981 and July 1981). Covers: uncredited, Ken Barr

Read the first half of this article, The World of Tiers and Beyond: Philip Jose Farmer, Part I.

Continuing our examination of Farmer’s pastiches, Farmer soon gave up the Grandrith and Caliban names and went full on with the characters in two fictional biographies called Tarzan Alive (1972) and Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life (1973), both from Playboy’s Science Fiction line.

The cover for Tarzan Alive is very cool but is uncredited. Ken Barr seems to have done the Doc Savage cover and it’s also very cool. I liked both of these books pretty well. The Tarzan book rambles a bit. The Doc Savage is better than many of the original Doc Savage novels. It references quite a few. These books are true to the characters and have none of the bizarre sexual exploits described in A Feast Unknown.

These books also suggest that Tarzan, Doc Savage, and such other fictional characters as Sherlock Holmes are all related to each other and are the product of inherited mutations caused by a meteor that struck England in 1795 called either the Wold Cottage or the Wold Newton Meteor.

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How Billy Graham’s Conan Art Got Him Fired from Fantastic Magazine

How Billy Graham’s Conan Art Got Him Fired from Fantastic Magazine

Fantastic magazine, edited by Ted White. August 1972. Cover by Jeff Jones

I read Rich Horton’s Retro Review of the August 1972 issue of Fantastic magazine here at Black Gate, and I remember being excited by what I presumed was the first appearance of Conan in Fantastic, and then realizing just how awful the novelette was, which was made even more disappointing by the fact that this cover was the first time the great Jeff Jones, already known for terrific depictions of Howard’s Solomon Kane, tackled Conan.

Even in 1968, when I read Conan the Adventurer at the age of ten, I noticed that all the best Conan stories were by Howard, but it took me into my early teens to realize just how bad the non-Howard ones were. Yes, De Camp was a much better writer than Carter, but his work lacked the passion and pulp poetry necessary for the character, and something like “Beyond the Black River” (which my penpal Fritz Leiber thought was the best Conan story, along with “People of the Black Circle,” which Fritz liked for its sympathetic villain and capable proto-Indian heroine), was completely outside De Camp’s wheelhouse.

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A to Z Reviews: “Side Effects,” by Julian Saari

A to Z Reviews: “Side Effects,” by Julian Saari

A to Z Reviews

Julian Saari offers up a fish tale of a bar story in “Side Effects.” This  short piece is the only work he has listed on the Internet Science Fiction Database and it appeared in the August 1991 issue of Analog, alongside a Pern story by Anne McCaffrey and the second part of the serialization of Lois McMaster Bujold’s Barrayar, impressive company.

Given the nature of the short story, it is appropriate that Saari sets it in a bar, called Timonescu’s.  Even more appropriately, Timonescu’s is part of a fishing lodge, where one would expect the clientele to tell tall tales about the sizes of their catches, or more likely the ones that got away. To this end, the bar’s owner, Ion Timonescu approaches the story he is told be a stranger with a certain amount of skepticism.

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Neverwhens: In His Sunken House of… Doggerland… Dead Cthulhu Waits Dreaming

Neverwhens: In His Sunken House of… Doggerland… Dead Cthulhu Waits Dreaming


For those not in the know, during the last Ice Age Earth’s seas were about 300 feet lower, revealing a vast amount of land. While no true Atlantis or Mu have been found, examples include a broad plain — and now sunken lakebed — connecting Australia to New Guinea, the Sunda Shelf — a massive sub-continent that unites most of Southeast Asia in a single landmass that includes places as far flung as Java and the Philippines, and Doggerland.

This last was a remnant of an even earlier land mass that had covered the Irish, Baltic and North Seas during the last glaciation, and where we now see the English Channel and the regions of the North Sea that separate the British Isles from Denmark and southern Norway there was land of marshlands and forests, filled with the last remnants of European megafauna such as lions, sabertooths, giant elk, and mammoths. Doggerland was slowly inundated by rising waters, transforming into an archipelago of islands, before being finally subsumed in the late Mesolithic era, likely by a tsunami event.

This lost land provides the setting for The Shadow Over Doggerland, a rather interesting collection of Mythos fiction spear-headed by prolific horror author Tim Medees and published by Nordc Press that asks what actually happened to the people of Doggerland? Was there some great ancient evil bent on destroying the world dreaming below the surface waiting to emerge?

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The Mad Wizards at Planet X Games

The Mad Wizards at Planet X Games

Rayguns & Robuts, issue 1 (Planet X Games, August 2022). Cover by Ed Bickford

“…system-agnostic universe filled with galactic space rangers and square-jawed heroes zipping across the phlogiston, with a jet pack strapped to their back and a raygun in hand…”

Back in 2022 I received the first issue of Rayguns & Robuts, by Planet X Games. This sci-fi zine is loaded with incredible content and art, and the design esthetic is second to none.

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